What is Required to Post on a Visa Application Form ?
Visa application forms differ by types of visa and by purposes of application, issuance of a certificate of eligibility, change of a visa, extension of a visa or any other purpose.
It is necessary to enter personal information of an applicant for any visa application,
such as name, birth date, place of birth, sex, marital status, country/area, occupation, address in Japan, passport number, its expiration date, criminal record, relatives living in Japan and so on.
I. Working Visa Application
As for many types of working visas, an application form is divided in two parts, "Applicant" and "Organization" .
It is required to enter the personal information of the applicant shown in the above also including the summary of its job or the employer, the educational background, the summary of the career and other information on the "Applicant" part.
It is necessary to post the summary of the "Organization", in many cases the employer, including address, line of business, sales, net worth & number of employees, the condition of the employment including the term of the job, the title, wages & the type of the job, the summary of the dispatched company, if necessary and other information on the "Organization" part.
II. Resident Visa Application
As for resident visas such as a spouse visa, an application is necessary to post information on "Applicant".
It is required to enter personal information shown in the above, also including family status to be applied, the filing date of the status, the employer of the applicant, its annual income, who shall pay for expenses in Japan, the name, the address & the job of the supporter, if necessary, the name the address & the job of the personal guarantor on the application form.
Who is Necessary to Sign or to Put its Seal on a Visa Application?
Principally the applicant is necessary to sign on its visa application.
The statutory agent of the applicant, such as a parent if the applicant is not an adult, can sign on the visa application on behalf of the applicant.
As for an application for issuance of a certificate of eligibility, another agent regulated for each type of visa is allowed to sign on the application, such as a relative living in Japan, a staff of the employer and so on.
As for a working visa application, the "Organization" in many cases the employer needs to put its corporate seal on the "Organization" part of the application.