What are the New Types of Visas?
New visas are "Special Skilled Worker (i)" and "Special Skilled Worker (ii)".
"Special Skilled Worker (i)" is a visa for "half skilled" workers and "Special Skilled Worker (ii)" is a visa for " skilled workers.
Who can Apply for "Special Skilled Worker (i)" or "Special Skilled Worker (ii)"?
The applicants for "Special Skilled Worker (i)" need to pass a designated test of required skills and a designated test of Japanese before their application except for who have completed "Technical Intern Training (ii)".
The applicants for "Special Skilled Worker (ii)" need to pass a designated test of required skills.
Which Field of Industry can Workers with "Special Skilled Worker" visas work in?
Worker with "Special Skilled Worker (i)" can work in 14 fields of industries as follows:
Nursing Care, Cleaning of Building, Raw Materials & Shapes, Manufacturing of Industrial Machines, Electric & Electronic Information, Construction, Shipbuilding & Shipboard, Maintenance of Automobiles, Airline, Hotel & Lodge, Agriculture, Fishery, Manufacturing of Beverages, Food Service.
Worker with "Special Skilled Worker (ii)" can work in two fields of industries as follows:
Construction, Shipbuilding & Shipboard.
What is a "Special Skilled Worker Employment Agreement"「特定技能雇用契約」?
Employers of workers with "Special Skilled Workers" are required to make employment agreements with the workers which correspond to regulations made by the ministry of justice.
Those employment agreements are called "Special Skilled Worker Employment Agreement"s 「特定技能雇用契約」.
What is a "Registered Supporting Organization"「登録支援機関」?
An Employer of a worker with "Special Skilled Worker (i)" need to make and to execute a supporting plan for each worker with "Special Skilled Worker (i)".
Also an employer of a worker with "Special Skilled Worker (i)" can make a contract with a third party to execute all or parts of execution of the supporting plan.
If an the employer ask a "Registered Supporting Organization"「登録支援機関」to execute all of the supporting plan, the employer can be recognized to execute the supporting plan.
In order to be a "Registered Supporting Organization"「登録支援機関」, an institution, a company or an individual is to apply to a regional immigration bureau and to obtain permission.